Monday was Aspyn's third birthday and man was she excited! We went the Saturday before and picked up her bike at Sears. So since Saturday she was consistently asking to ride her bike. The day had finally come. First thing out of her mouth Monday morning was "Now can I ride my bike?" Aaron hadn't gone to work yet so he was able to see her open her presents. He favorite gifts were her bike, her My Little Pony, and a ball that sprays water. I felt badly taking her outside to ride her bike because I felt like that was probably a daddy thing to do. Well, she loved riding but I think that she loved putting on her "hat" and her knee "paddles" and elbow "paddles". She loved ridding and teaching her to push the pedals forward is how you go and pushing them backwards is how you stop. That is a hard thing for a three year old to understand. She is learning and had her first accident. I felt old, like an out of body experience only fast forwarded, telling her to get back up on the bike after she fell. She did and I was so proud that she did want to get back on and not give up. Way to go Appy!
That night we were planning on going to Cold Stone to get ice cream but we had to take Aaron's car to the repair shop. Well, his car died in the middle of a busy road at rush hour. Luckily he called his friend, Ben, to come and tow his car. They had their complication's, like his car coming off the tow straps in the middle of the intersection. So by the time Aaron got back it was too late to go get ice cream. We were given cupcakes from Kristen, my sister in law, with a dinner that she brought over so we used those for her cake. Good thing she is three and is happy with cupcakes. She went to bed wearing her new pony pajamas and was so excited to go to bed so she could wear them. Yea for pony p.j.'s.
We are so grateful that she is in our lives and it is crazy to think back to what we had to go through when she was born. She is stubborn and independent which is a good thing and at times not so good. Keep smiling and being true to yourself.
wow what a crazy birthday. she does not look happy in that picture with Aaron. Her bike is super cute though. hope the car situation gets better. Few things stress me out more than car you!